茶花籽防脫活髮精華 160 ml


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Camellia Seed Hair Loss Control & Enlivening Essence 160ml


蘊含茶花籽萃取、人參萃取、甜菜萃取、維生素原 B5 及多種專利註冊成分。源自瑞士的專利配方Anagain™,測試証實,能喚醒沉睡毛囊,恢復頭髮活力,重新激活生長期的頭髮同時減少休止期頭髮數量,延長頭髮生命週期,防止髮囊衰老,刺激細胞更生並減少脫髮。而 RootBioTec HW 則是源自古印度阿源斐達 (Ayurveda) 有五千年傳統的獨特草葯植物療法。測試証實,有效減少 DHT 形成,抑制 DHT 對毛囊的破壞,從而顯著減低脫髮現象;加上源自法國專利配方 HairSpa™,能將水份鎖住髮絲, 令髮根健康強壯,頭髮更順滑易梳。並活化頭皮層,促進毛囊細胞更新,並調節及平衡頭皮層的油脂分泌,有效減低頭皮屑形成,並強化頭皮層減低脫髮機會。

連續使用 12 星期,脫髮情況明顯改善。激活並滋養毛囊,促進頭髮生長並延長頭髮壽命,令頭髮更濃密健康。產品同時具有高度抗氧化功效,締造健康的頭皮,令髮絲更強韌光澤。

Contains a powerful series of extracts drawn from Camellia Seed, Ginseng extract, Suger beet, Vitamin B5 and working together with few patented ingredients. Anagain™ is a Swiss patented formula created to awaken hair follicles, restore the vitality of your hair, and reinvigorate hair growth.  It will prolong the life cycle of healthy hair growth, prevent premature aging of hair, stimulate for hair re-generation and reduce hair loss. Root BioTec HW orginates from Ayurveda of Ancient India, boasting 5,000+ years of traditional wisdom in unique herbal therapeutic methods.  Research has shown that this is effective in reducing harmful effects of DHT on follicles, while conspicuously reducing hair loss, combine with HairSpa™,which is a French patented formula excellent in moisture retention.  It helps to lock moisture in to every hair strand, enabling growth of stronger, healthier, smoother, easy-to-comb, fine hair. It works to reactivate the scalp, promote hair follicle cell renewal, regulate and balance the scalp on oil secretion, effectively reducing dandruff while strengthening it to reduce hair loss.

Apply Camellia Seed Hair Loss Control &Enlivening Essence once each morning and evening for a total of 12 weeks would reduce hair loss apparently, re-energize follicles, and provide better nutrition for your hair.  Encourages hair growth, while extending the longevity of hair strands and transform to a healthier scalp and thicker, more beautiful hair. Camellia Seed Hair Loss Control & Enlivening Essence has high anti-oxidizing benefits specially created fora strong scalp and amazing hair.

Direction of use:

Wet hair or part hair into smaller groupings.  Apply Camellia Seed Hair Loss Control & Enlivening Essence evenly by spraying directly onto scalp, from front to back covering the entire scalp area.  Use finger tips to massage scalp in circular motions to enable better nutrient penetration.  No rinsing is necessary.

Apply Camellia Seed Hair Loss Control & Enlivening Essence once each morning and evening for a total of 12 weeks to transform to a healthier scalp and thicker, more beautiful hair.  For more ideal results, please combine this routine using Camellia Seed Anti-Hair Loss Treatment Shampoo for hair wash.
