茶花籽蜜糖修護唇霜 10g


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Camellia Seed & Honey Lip Repair 10g

Product Details

蘊含 DPHP 天然植物抗皺精華、茶花籽油、天竺葵及佛手柑精華油、蜜糖油、蘆薈、葵花籽油、角鯊烯、乳木果油和維他命E等天然滋養成份,特別為幼嫩及敏感唇部肌膚而配製。有效滋潤唇部幼嫩肌膚,深層修護,紓緩保護,保持唇部持久柔潤亮澤,對唇瘡及乾裂咀唇,特別適合。茶花籽蜜糖修護唇霜,滋潤又保濕更可擊退唇紋而且成份天然可食用;當口腔內有飛滋及唇瘡時,使用於患處更可達致消炎及擊退症狀。

Contains DPHP natural extract, Camellia Seed Oil, Geranium Oil, Bergamot Oil, Beeswax, Aloe Vera, Sunflower Seed Oil, Squalane, Shea Butter and Vitamin E specially formulated for delicate and sensitive lips. It offers unparalleled moisturizing and protection; perfectly softening and repairing to ensure lips are full and luscious at all times. Helps to cure unwanted cold sore and dry lips.

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