茶花籽草本護理洗髮露 500ml


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Camellia Seed Botanical Treatment Shampoo 500 ml


蘊含天然野生茶花籽精華、洋甘菊精華、甜菜精華、Vitamin E、牡丹皮精華、薰衣草精華油及來自法國專利配方 HairSpa™,能溫和又徹底地洗淨頭皮過剩油脂及污垢,同時保留所需水油平衡,有效舒緩、保濕、滋潤、修護髮絲及頭皮屑,改善毛燥髮質。每天使用,可促進頭髮再生,令秀髮重現光澤。

不含 Paraben、不含 Silicon、不含 Phthalate、不含 Petroleum、不含麩質、素食產品、不經動物測試。

Contains Camellia Seed, Chamomile and Sugar Beet extracts, Vitamin E, Botanpi extract, Lavender Oil and the exclusive Hair SpaTM from France to gently cleanse the scalp and remove oil and residues. It also creates a protective shield, keeping water in, balance oil to effectively soothe, moisturize, nourish and repair hair and refine scalp while strengthening hair texture. Use daily to reactivate hair growth and shine. 

* Paraben free, Silicon free, Phthalate free, Petroleum free, Gluten free, Cruelty free, Vegan products.
