茶花籽淨肌潔膚啫喱 100ml


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Camellia Seed Purifying Gel Cleanser 100 ml

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蘊含山茶花精華油、甘油、尿囊素及 24 種萃取草本漢方精華,性質溫和,適合任何肌膚 (尤其油性、中性肌膚)能有效鎮靜並舒緩肌膚,減低皮膚敏感機會。有助角質代謝更生,軟化肌膚,平衡水份及油脂,並具保濕、抗氧化功效。用後不會令肌膚繃緊,感覺潔淨舒爽。具輕度卸妝功效,亦能洗掉輕爽水溶性防曬霜。

Full of natural wonders extracted from Camellia Seed Oil, Glycerin, Allantoin and 24 Chinese herbal essence, the mild cleanser is suitable for all skin types (especially for oily and neutral skin types)      Effectively relaxes the skin while working to calm and minimize allergy, Camellia Seed Purifying Gel Cleanser reinvigorates corneum, softens the skin and keeps the balance of moisture and oil needed for flawless skin. The cleanser also helps to fight oxidation.   No feeling of tightness of the skin after use as one will be left feeling clean, refreshing – this product is also a mild makeup removal agent helping to eliminate water soluble sun block.

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