茶花籽活肌晶瑩水份啫喱 50ml


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Camellia Seed Active Hydro Moisturizing Gel 50 ml

Product Details

蘊含茶花籽精華油、天然植物精華及維他命 B5,能深入肌膚細胞內層,注入大量水分,促進肌膚底層的膠質纖維製造,鎖濕補水,改善乾燥問題,令肌膚更水潤晶瑩;配合維他命 C500 及 E,同時美白肌膚,抑制黑色素產生,抵禦紫外線 UVA 和 UVB 對肌膚的侵害,修護抗氧化,煥發新生肌膚。

 Contains Concentrated Camellia Seed Oil, all-natural plant extracts and Vitamin B5 to deeply penetrate skin cells, add moisture and nutrients to precipitates under-skin collagen making; lock-in moisture, reduce skin dryness and improve translucency. Vitamin C500 and E whiten skin, reduce melanin, protect against harmful UVA and UVB rays, repair harm against oxidants to rejuvenate skin growth.

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