茶花籽水凝柔滑防曬日霜 SPF30/ PA+++ 30ml


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Camellia Seed Hydrosmooth Sunscreen Protective Lotion SPF 30/ PA+++ 30 ml

Product Details

茶花籽水凝柔滑防曬日霜防曬霜含物理及化學性防曬成份結合而成,具備物理性反射及化學性吸收的作用。可阻隔紫外光線引致皮膚曬黑曬傷、有效預防色斑、乾紋及肌膚老化,並降低患上皮膚癌及早期皮膚老化的風險。具 SPF30 及 PA+++,防護達 7 至 8 小時;質地輕薄、不顯白、有通透感, 適合所有肌膚類型。加入甜菜鹼、水果元素、維他命原 B5 及多種維生素可持續保濕、滋潤肌膚、抑制黑色素形成,並能改善不均勻暗啞膚色、色斑、乾燥膚質及有助減低皮膚老化。 

CamelliaSeed HydroSmooth Sunscreen Protective Lotion combines the perfect physical and chemical UV care to both reflect sun rays and absorb nutrients.  While acting to prevent UV in tanning and hurting the skin, this product can help prevent the forming of freckles, reduce the chances of skin cancer or premature aging of the skin.  Suitable for all skin types.  


  • Light, transparent and thin texture, without artificial whiteness  
  • Contains Betaine, fruit extracts, multi-vitamins, includingB5 to continuously moisturise and nourish, reducing dullness, pigment and dryness of the skin.
  • Contains no preservatives or fragrance
  • SPF30 and PA+++ protect skin over a range of 7 to 8 hours. Effectively fights against UVA (cause of pigments) and UVB (culprit of over tanning and skin cancer).

Use at the end of day-time skin care routine, as a strong, final shield*. In the event of continuous exposure to the sun, during water sports or activities involving heavy perspiration, please apply this product in two-hour intervals.


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