純正茶花籽油 100ml


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Pure Camellia Seed Oil 100 ml

Product Details

100% 天然成份,含單一不飽和脂肪酸 82.3%,與人體皮脂腺油酸分泌相近,最易吸收,全面呵護,能防禦紫外線及游離基對肌膚的傷害,亦能調節水油平衡,改善及潤澤肌膚,淡化色斑、細紋,緊緻抗衰老,是集保護與修護於一身的肌膚補養品,更適用於臉部、頸部、頭髮及全身護理。 

100% natural ingredients contain 82.3% mono-unsaturated fat, close to skin’s natural secretions, easy to absorb for comprehensive care, prevent harm to skin caused by ultra violet rays and oxidants, balances oil, improves and nourishes skin, lightens freckles and wrinkles, tightens, achieves anti-aging results and is a great supplement for the skin. The oil is suitable for face, neck, hair and the whole body.


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