蘊含山茶花籽精華、金縷梅、洋甘菊及源自保加利亞玫瑰水,並注入法國 AQUAXYL™ 天然保濕配方,淨化潔淨後的肌膚,迅速補充水份,調節肌質,平衡油脂,更具舒緩、消炎、緊緻毛孔、美白抗氧化等功效,加強細胞的活躍度,幫助潔淨後的肌膚,深度吸收護膚品內的精華。
Extracts of Camellia Seed Facial Essence, Witch Hazel, Chamomile extract, Bulgarian Rose Water and AQUALXYL™ technology from France speedily replenish moisture, balance skin’s pH-value. Effectively removes pore residue, oil and cosmetics after cleansing as well as metal deposits and oxidants in water to further purify skin. Nourish, reactivate skin cells and help cleansed skin to deeply absorb essence from skincare products.