有種信念, 叫越野跑。


已售出: 15


在這本首創的中文版超級越野跑訓練專書中,Stone(曾小強)分享了他在廣東的一個小村莊長大並移居香港,成為當時最成功的國際華人越野跑手的非凡人生歷程。然而,這不僅僅是一本自傳,這本書也是一本循序漸進的訓練指南,以科學理論為基礎,並結合Stone 多年來越野跑訓練、比賽及教授的經驗。內容涵蓋如何進行訓練達致最佳表現、營養飲食、比賽策略、傷患預防,以及更多有關越野跑訓練的課題。為任何有意成為更出色跑者的人提供了專業的建議。(Stone會將書本售賣收益盈餘的50% 捐贈給綠惜地球,以支持他們在本地的環保工作。)





Stone還與Asia Pacific Adventure一起在亞太地區舉辦了首個專業越野跑技巧課程和研討會。書中總結了他過去20年的比賽經驗,以及對最新運動科學的深入研究和應用。毫無疑問,這本訓練專書將會成為越野跑愛好者的其中一本最佳參考讀物。

In a first-of-its-kind in book in Chinese, Stone Tsang shares his extraordinary life journey growing up in a small village in Guangdong and moving to Hong Kong and becoming the most successful international Chinese trail runner of his time.  However, this is much more than an autobiography with the book also a step by step guide for anyone interested to become a better runner by covering in depth the topics: how to training for optimum performance, nutrition and diet, race strategies, injury prevention, and so much more.   

Stone was dominating local races in Hong Kong as far back as 2005 and soon after broke new ground for Chinese globally at the UTMB in Europe, the defacto World Championships for longer distance trail running.  No ethnic Chinese (whether Hong Kong, Taiwan or Mainland China) had ever cracked the top 20 at UTMB, and Stone remarkably went on to do it 3 times.  Stone then managed to reach even further heights winning races in Europe and finishing an incredible 8th place ranking in 2014 on the World Tour.  

With outdoor specialists, Asia Pacific Adventure, Stone also helped create and lead the first professional trail running skills courses and seminars held across the region.   This book will be one to keep on your shelf for years to come, and refer back to the wisdom Stone shares from 20 years experience competing in running along with in-depth research and application of the latest sports science.
